Monday, November 10, 2008

Summer of new foundation under Grandma's cabin.

I spent an entire summer in near slavery to put a new foundation under my Grandparents house. It was the summer of 1972 and I was 15 years old. After my Father was killed in an automobile accident my three sisters and I were given custody to our Grandparents. My Grandparents had bought a large cabin on Rimrock Lake in Washington State and we had moved into the cabin in April of 1971. The cabin was built upon a foundation of 18 x 18 inch wood beams. These beams were sitting directly on the ground and had become rotten over the years. This caused the floors of the cabin to be uneven. Just after school ended my Grandfather, Uncle, and I began to dig out the old foundation and put a new cement block foundation. In order to do this we had to dig a 3 foot trench around the house and begin to remove sections of the old rotten foundation and insert the new foundation as we went. After this was complete we still had to level the house. This required removing all the dirt from under the house so a person could work under it. I would use a crowbar and dirt pick to breakup the hard rocky soil. I would shovel it part way to the foundation wall opening, then move to the pile and throw it farther, then finally throw it outside where my Sisters and Cousins would load up the wheel barrel to haul the dirt away. After all the dirt was removed we put in cement bricks, jacks, and leveled the house. Thirty five years later this foundation is still holding up that cabin.

This time at Bethel has become a time of tearing out my old foundation and building another one underneath my Christian faith. It is not that the house of my faith is bad it is just falling in. This falling process has taken many years. This is because my foundation has been made of wood instead of solid rock. In other words, my foundation is of law instead of grace. Last night I expressed my frustration to my Wife because I have lived 31 years as a Christian but yet I have expressed very little of the Father's love. Sure I can quote the scriptures and I can teach classes on God's love but the Father's love has been nearly absent from my daily experience. I have been striving to be something as a computer expert, business man, and missionary, I have been judgmental and hard on others just as I have been on myself. My childhood was not surrounded by love. I have never known a father's love or mother's nurturing. I made up for that by trying to be a really good Christian. In my work I have always tried to be the best by working many hours per day. I have lived 15 years on the mission field trying to please God and be thought of well among my friends. My Christianity has been based on works of law instead of grace. I was hard on my son and have continued to be hard on my wife forcing her to remain on the mission field as she cried during the night for more than a year. All of this while my church family and friends saw me as a Christian of Godly passion and commitment.

Kenton as he has been known is now very much changing. What I am learning here at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is overhauling me in a big way. I have been reading one of our required books titled, "Experiencing Father's Embrace" by Jack Frost. I have been reading the book really slow. This book has been shaking me and tearing me up from the inside out. I have been going through a process of forgiving myself and releasing the mind set of judgment, self-achievement, and trying to please others. We are being taught in just about every class about the Father's love. Saundi and I are taking extra classes on being free from the garbage that has molded our life and a class called, "Loving on purpose".

My friends, if your foundation is built upon anything but love then it may be time to get the crowbar and dirt pick out and start demolition of that old foundation. Do you want a radical change in your life? Spend $15.00 dollars and purchase "Experiencing Father's Embrace" by Jack Frost. I would love to be able to teach everyone what I am learning. Maybe someday the Lord will give me a place to do so. Until then I can only recommend the same books I am reading. There is a Novel titled, "The Shack" by William P. Young based on a true experience. This book will rock your view of Christianity and bring you to a place of love and acceptance for those around you.

My heart cries out to experience the Father's love. I want so much to know the Father's embrace. I do not want to live a life of law and judgment. I want to be open to heartache and pain because the same door that allows the Father's love in also allows others in even if they bring hurt to you. Forgiveness is the fortress of the heart of love. Nothing else will protect an open and loving heart. The Father's love is the answer and the only thing I desire. I don't want a house of religious doctrines, false ideas, judgments, jealously and deceit. I cry out for the Father's love to remove the old foundation of law and give me a new foundation of grace.


Sister Krystal said...

Dearest Brother, I too remember the summer of slavery and can relate to your story as I was there! It sounds like you have had a spiritual awakening and I am looking forward to where you go from here. I look forward to seeing what God has planned for you next in life as although your foundation may have been weak the house was not and God knows your heart. I am looking forward to getting to know the new brother in Christ and my brother in blood.

Unknown said...

Your insite and words are moving me to an embarrassing point in my walk. That you are in so much in the spirit and getting so much into kingdom thinking Walking on water that is washing out the garbage of the world. Cleaning out your arteries and pores for more absorbtion of the Holy Spirit. Keep the great writing coming.