Friday, September 19, 2008

no shoes, no shirt, no service, no sinners

We share "I am just a sinner saved by grace." with those we are witnessing to or affirmation of our humility among our Christian friends. The Bible says that the prideful shall be humbled and the humble shall be lifted up. We want to be humble and certainly don't want to make the same mistake that Lucifer did to be banned forever from heaven.

I find the phrase "I am just a sinner saved by grace" curious considering how often we allow sinners in the church just long enough for them to be saved and then if they should sin as a saint we take them to the altar to repent and if they continue then we lead them to the back door. Does anyone else think this is a double standard? I'm just a sinner saved by grace but if you sin there is no more grace. There is something else that really confuses me. If once saved always saved then should we not always be very welcome in the church?

In the Bible some 630 times sinners are called sinners, some 230 times sinners are called saints but exactly 0 times saints are called sinners. So if the bible does not call the redeemed sinners then why do we? Oh yes, Romans 7, seems like we should read Romans 8 to interpret Romans 7.

I do not see calling myself a sinner as an indication of my humility. A missionary friend once explained to me what humility is. Humility is not a person that looks at the building that he built and says how bad it is but humility is the person that looks at a building another person built and says how great it is.

Our instructor here at "Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry", Chris Vallotton, shared how he was teaching a seminar and sharing how awesome we are and how much God thinks we are awesome and how much that brings honor and glory to God. One leader challenged him and said he believes that kind of teaching only leads to pride. Chris pointed at a painting and started to criticize the art work. This leaders asked him what the point was. Chris asked, "Have I brought honor and glory to the artist of the painting?". The leader said, "No!". Chris then said, "God painted you!".

Is it possible that the church may have been deceived into believing a lie about itself? It seems better said that we were sinners but now we are saved by grace. Should we continue to make the blood of Christ a cheap sacrifice? Should we continue to call ourselves something that God does not call us? If we want to walk in humility then maybe we should begin to say what God says about us. We are saved, righteous, full of Him, full of grace, and full of love! Yes we sin but not because we are subject to the nature of sin but because of disobedience. We repent of disobedience as we continue to walk in righteousness.

The bible says in Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: ..." If I call myself a sinner then I would be calling Christ a sinner. Not good, as in really bad! I do not call myself a sinner but an awesome new creation in Christ. My humility is based on knowing the source of my salvation not on my performance. Is this not the message of the Kingdom of God?


Joy said...

I can totally relate to this article! I was raised in a Christian home from generations of conservative Christians. I knew God existed and I also knew He wasn't who I was being taught He was.

I've struggled alot in life. Satan started attaching me from before I was able to make choices.

I knew I was being blamed for what happened to me, but I knew I wasn't to blame. I am still blamed!

I sought out to find God but made bad choices. I was mad at God for awhile. but then came back to Him.

Being alone with Him in that time, was awesome! He showed me who He was to me. He caused miracles in my life. I finally knew God.

Still struggling, I went to church only to find critical, proudful spirits that said they were humble. I felt as if I was back in the church I was raised in. I was welcome for a short time but when my struggling showed through, they rejected me.

I still struggle but I don't go to church. I still know that God loves me. I know where I'm going! I know God understands.

The Bible says in James 2:10 (LB) that he that commits one sin is as guilty as he that commits them all. None of us have room for pride! Christ died for the little white liar and the murderer.

We deceive ourselves if we think we've "made it" here on this earth. It won't happen!

What He showed me is that His mercy endurs forever...not just for a short time...forever!

In coming out of condemnation, I have the freedom to follow God as closely as I can. I don't understand why I still struggle as I do, but I do. I want more than anything to be everything God intended for me to be.

I know I need to be surrounded by christians but I'm tired of dealing with the condemnation...yes, that's an excuse.

Maybe I should start my own church for hurting Christians. :)

Thanks for sharing, Kenton! Blessings to you and your family! Joy

Doug C said...

Kenton - I have often taken issue with the phrase "...sinner, saved by Grace" but was not able to articulate my objections as well as you and your instructor.

Indeed, the statement does not indicate ones humility but is rather, false humility. It cheapens Grace and still directs attention to oneself.

We should be directing everyone's attention to God's glory and not our shortcomings.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy and I have been discussing this a lot lately. I can't wait till he reads your blog!!! Our desire is to see the church open their arms to everyone and be there for them when they fall and for someone to be there for us when we fall. For the church to see with God's eyes.