Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First day at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry

I just experienced my first day of school. I find it hard to put into words. You will probably think I am just be over-enthusiastic. Let met set the scene for you.

Last year there were 400 some students. This year there are around 740. This fills up the entire church main floor. The students range from 18 to 60+ with about 85% under 30 and maybe 70% under 25. They are all, everyone of them, absolutely in love with Jesus and hungry for more of the Presence of God.

We started out with about 90 minutes of intense worship. Believe me this was not clapping our hands to "This is the day the Lord has made". This was deep worship and intense praise ringing throughout the heavens. The 2nd and 3rd year students were walking on the seats behind us praying for us. The presence of God was so strong as they prayed that I tried to figure out if I could avoid them because I did not think I could stand any more. There was no avoiding them. It seemed like all 100 or so 3rd years students prayed for me.

There was a lot of orientation then Bill Johnson shared for about an hour and then Chris Vallotton shared for about 90 minutes. It was just incredible.

The core values we are learning are from the following, love, empowerment in contrary to control, ownership, accountability, risk, honor, confrontation, supernatural power, royalty, honesty, and the mind of Christ. The goal is to produce revivalist. Here is the definition: Revivalist - a believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in purity and power because they are loved by God and love Him, whose manifest presence transforms lives and cultures.

I went to sleep very tired but with worship songs playing in my mind.

1 comment:

Doug C said...

Kenton and Saundi - So glad to see you have started a blog. I have added it to my subscription list and will enjoy reading about your studies and how God is working in Redding.